Online Bangla Dictionary - বাংলা-ইংরেজী অভিধান

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নীচের বক্সে বাংলা বা ইংরেজী শব্দ লিখে Meaning বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।
Nearby words in dictionary:
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Clear - Synonyms and Antonyms
Synonyms: Definite, District, Unmistakable, Explicit
Antonyms: Blurred, Confused, Doubtful, Foggy, Vague
Clear - Meaning from English-Bangla Dictionary
Clear: English to Bangla
Clear: English to English
Clear (adv.) In a clear manner; plainly.
Clear (adv.) Without limitation; wholly; quite; entirely; as, to cut a piece clear off.
Clear (n.) Full extent; distance between extreme limits; especially; the distance between the nearest surfaces of two bodies, or the space between walls; as, a room ten feet square in the clear.
Clear (superl.) Able to perceive clearly; keen; acute; penetrating; discriminating; as, a clear intellect; a clear head.
Clear (superl.) Easily or distinctly heard; audible; canorous.
Clear (superl.) Free from ambiguity or indistinctness; lucid; perspicuous; plain; evident; manifest; indubitable.
Clear (superl.) Free from embarrassment; detention, etc.
Clear (superl.) Free from guilt or stain; unblemished.
Clear (superl.) Free from impediment or obstruction; unobstructed; as, a clear view; to keep clear of debt.
Clear (superl.) Free from opaqueness; transparent; bright; light; luminous; unclouded.
Clear (superl.) Not clouded with passion; serene; cheerful.
Clear (superl.) Without defect or blemish, such as freckles or knots; as, a clear complexion; clear lumber.
Clear (superl.) Without diminution; in full; net; as, clear profit.
Clear (superl.) Without mixture; entirely pure; as, clear sand.
Clear (v. i.) To become free from clouds or fog; to become fair; -- often followed by up, off, or away.
Clear (v. i.) To disengage one's self from incumbrances, distress, or entanglements; to become free.
Clear (v. i.) To make exchanges of checks and bills, and settle balances, as is done in a clearing house.
Clear (v. i.) To obtain a clearance; as, the steamer cleared for Liverpool to-day.
Clear (v. t.) To free from impediment or incumbrance, from defilement, or from anything injurious, useless, or offensive; as, to clear land of trees or brushwood, or from stones; to clear the sight or the voice; to clear one's self from debt; -- often used with of, off
Clear (v. t.) To free from impurities; to clarify; to cleanse.
Clear (v. t.) To free from obscurity or ambiguity; to relive of perplexity; to make perspicuous.
Clear (v. t.) To free from the imputation of guilt; to justify, vindicate, or acquit; -- often used with from before the thing imputed.
Clear (v. t.) To gain without deduction; to net.
Clear (v. t.) To leap or pass by, or over, without touching or failure; as, to clear a hedge; to clear a reef.
Clear (v. t.) To render bright, transparent, or undimmed; to free from clouds.
Clear (v. t.) To render more quick or acute, as the understanding; to make perspicacious.
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