Online Bangla Dictionary - বাংলা-ইংরেজী অভিধান

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নীচের বক্সে বাংলা বা ইংরেজী শব্দ লিখে Meaning বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।
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Formula - Meaning from English-Bangla Dictionary
Formula: English to Bangla
Formula: English to English
Formula (n.) A prescribed or set form; an established rule; a fixed or conventional method in which anything is to be done, arranged, or said.
Formula (n.) A prescription or recipe for the preparation of a medicinal compound.
Formula (n.) A rule or principle expressed in algebraic language; as, the binominal formula.
Formula (n.) A symbolic expression (by means of letters, figures, etc.) of the constituents or constitution of a compound.
Formula (n.) A written confession of faith; a formal statement of foctrines.
Developed by: Abdullah Ibne Alam, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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