Online Bangla Dictionary - বাংলা-ইংরেজী অভিধান

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নীচের বক্সে বাংলা বা ইংরেজী শব্দ লিখে Meaning বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।
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Preparation - Meaning from English-Bangla Dictionary
Preparation: English to Bangla
Preparation: English to English
Preparation (n.) Accomplishment; qualification.
Preparation (n.) An army or fleet.
Preparation (n.) That which is prepared, made, or compounded by a certain process or for a particular purpose; a combination. Specifically: (a) Any medicinal substance fitted for use. (b) Anything treated for preservation or examination as a specimen. (c) Something prepar
Preparation (n.) That which makes ready, prepares the way, or introduces; a preparatory act or measure.
Preparation (n.) The act of preparing or fitting beforehand for a particular purpose, use, service, or condition; previous arrangement or adaptation; a making ready; as, the preparation of land for a crop of wheat; the preparation of troops for a campaign.
Preparation (n.) The holding over of a note from one chord into the next chord, where it forms a temporary discord, until resolved in the chord that follows; the anticipation of a discordant note in the preceding concord, so that the ear is prepared for the shock. See Sus
Preparation (n.) The state of being prepared or made ready; preparedness; readiness; fitness; as, a nation in good preparation for war.
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