Online Bangla Dictionary - বাংলা-ইংরেজী অভিধান

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নীচের বক্সে বাংলা বা ইংরেজী শব্দ লিখে Meaning বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।
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To - Meaning from English-Bangla Dictionary
To: English to Bangla
To: English to English
To (prep.) Accompaniment; as, she sang to his guitar; they danced to the music of a piano.
To (prep.) Accord; adaptation; as, an occupation to his taste; she has a husband to her mind.
To (prep.) Addition; union; accumulation.
To (prep.) Apposition; connection; antithesis; opposition; as, they engaged hand to hand.
To (prep.) As sign of the infinitive, to had originally the use of last defined, governing the infinitive as a verbal noun, and connecting it as indirect object with a preceding verb or adjective; thus, ready to go, i.e., ready unto going; good to eat, i.e., good fo
To (prep.) Character; condition of being; purpose subserved or office filled.
To (prep.) Comparison; as, three is to nine as nine is to twenty-seven; it is ten to one that you will offend him.
To (prep.) Effect; end; consequence; as, the prince was flattered to his ruin; he engaged in a war to his cost; violent factions exist to the prejudice of the state.
To (prep.) Extent; limit; degree of comprehension; inclusion as far as; as, they met us to the number of three hundred.
To (prep.) Hence, it indicates motion, course, or tendency toward a time, a state or condition, an aim, or anything capable of being regarded as a limit to a tendency, movement, or action; as, he is going to a trade; he is rising to wealth and honor.
To (prep.) In a very general way, and with innumerable varieties of application, to connects transitive verbs with their remoter or indirect object, and adjectives, nouns, and neuter or passive verbs with a following noun which limits their action. Its sphere verges
To (prep.) In many phrases, and in connection with many other words, to has a pregnant meaning, or is used elliptically.
To (prep.) The preposition to primarily indicates approach and arrival, motion made in the direction of a place or thing and attaining it, access; and also, motion or tendency without arrival; movement toward; -- opposed to from.
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