Online Bangla Dictionary - বাংলা-ইংরেজী অভিধান

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Lincoln Green
English to Bangla / English Dictionary
নীচের বক্সে বাংলা বা ইংরেজী শব্দ লিখে Meaning বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।
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Trip - Meaning from English-Bangla Dictionary
Trip: English to Bangla
Trip: English to English
Trip (n. i.) Fig.: To be guilty of a misstep; to commit an offense against morality, propriety, or rule; to err; to mistake; to fail.
Trip (n. i.) To make a brief journey or pleasure excursion; as, to trip to Europe.
Trip (n. i.) To move with light, quick steps; to walk or move lightly; to skip; to move the feet nimbly; -- sometimes followed by it. See It, 5.
Trip (n. i.) To take a quick step, as when in danger of losing one's balance; hence, to make a false; to catch the foot; to lose footing; to stumble.
Trip (n.) A brief or rapid journey; an excursion or jaunt.
Trip (n.) A false step; a stumble; a misstep; a loss of footing or balance. Fig.: An error; a failure; a mistake.
Trip (n.) A flock of widgeons.
Trip (n.) A herd or flock, as of sheep, goats, etc.
Trip (n.) A quick, light step; a lively movement of the feet; a skip.
Trip (n.) A single board, or tack, in plying, or beating, to windward.
Trip (n.) A small piece; a morsel; a bit.
Trip (n.) A stroke, or catch, by which a wrestler causes his antagonist to lose footing.
Trip (n.) A troop of men; a host.
Trip (v. t.) Fig.: To overthrow by depriving of support; to put an obstacle in the way of; to obstruct; to cause to fail.
Trip (v. t.) To cause to stumble, or take a false step; to cause to lose the footing, by striking the feet from under; to cause to fall; to throw off the balance; to supplant; -- often followed by up; as, to trip up a man in wrestling.
Trip (v. t.) To detect in a misstep; to catch; to convict.
Trip (v. t.) To pull (a yard) into a perpendicular position for lowering it.
Trip (v. t.) To raise (an anchor) from the bottom, by its cable or buoy rope, so that it hangs free.
Trip (v. t.) To release, let fall, or see free, as a weight or compressed spring, as by removing a latch or detent.
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