Online Bangla Dictionary - বাংলা-ইংরেজী অভিধান

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নীচের বক্সে বাংলা বা ইংরেজী শব্দ লিখে Meaning বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।
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Wad - Meaning from English-Bangla Dictionary
Wad: English to Bangla
Wad: English to English
Wad (n.) A little mass, tuft, or bundle, as of hay or tow.
Wad (n.) A soft mass, especially of some loose, fibrous substance, used for various purposes, as for stopping an aperture, padding a garment, etc.
Wad (n.) Alt. of Wadd
Wad (n.) Specifically: A little mass of some soft or flexible material, such as hay, straw, tow, paper, or old rope yarn, used for retaining a charge of powder in a gun, or for keeping the powder and shot close; also, to diminish or avoid the effects of windage. A
Wad (n.) Woad.
Wad (v. t.) To form into a mass, or wad, or into wadding; as, to wad tow or cotton.
Wad (v. t.) To insert or crowd a wad into; as, to wad a gun; also, to stuff or line with some soft substance, or wadding, like cotton; as, to wad a cloak.
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